Documentation / Recording Notes

  • Include legal description with all documents
  • If submitted by mail, include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of documents
  • In subsequent related documents, include references to all previously recorded documents
  • All affidavits require the current owner.
  • Document turnaround time 24 hour by mail; immediate if delivered in person
  • Some state and federal documents require different fees. Contact us at (419) 586-4232 for information.


Ohio Revised Code sets fees that are charged for the recording of various documents. A current list of fees is available from the Ohio Recorder’s Association by clicking here.

Effective 01/01/2025, recording fees for most documents increased by $5.00 per SB 94 by the Ohio Legislature. This surcharge fee is to help preserve and digitize the documents & ongoing cost incurred by a county recorder’s office. See below a sample of the recording fees.


Deed, Mortgage, Lease and other documents recorded
$39.00 for the first two pages
Additional pages and attachments
$8.00 per additional page after the first two
Non-standard document fee
$20.00 per document
Reference fee
$4.00 per reference
UCC Financing Statement (UCC1)
$12.00 plus $4.00 for each indexed name (debtor, secured party and property owner)
UCC Amendments, Continuations, Assignments Partial Releases, & Terminations (UCC 3)
$12.00 plus $4.00 for each indexed name (debtor, secured party and property owner)
Zoning Amendments
$20.00 for entire document
Zoning Resolutions
$50.00 for entire document